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Al-Mujaadilah (Al-Mujadilah)
Meaning: The Woman Who Pleads a Complain (Wanita yang Mengajukan Gugatan)
Surah Number: 58 = 22 Verses   (Revealed at Madina)   ▪ [58:22]

Qad sami'allaahu qawlallatii tujaadiluka fii zawjihaa watasytakii ilaallaahi walaahu yasma'u tahaawurakumaa innallaaha samii'un bashiir
[58:1] Allah indeed knows the plea of her who pleads with you about her husband and complains to Allah, and Allah knows the contentions of both of you; surely Allah is Hearing, Seeing.
[58:1] Sesungguhnya Allah telah mendengar perkataan wanita yang mengajukan gugatan kepada kamu tentang suaminya, dan mengadukan (halnya) kepada Allah. Dan Allah mendengar soal jawab antara kamu berdua. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Melihat.

Alladziina yuzhaahiruuna minkum min nisaa-ihim maa hunna ummahaatihim in ummahaatuhum illaallaa-ii waladnahum wa-innahum layaquuluuna munkaran mina lqawli wazuuran wa-innallaaha la'afuwwun ghafuur
[58:2] (As for) those of you who put away their wives by likening their backs to the backs of their mothers, they are not their mothers; their mothers are no others than those who gave them birth; and most surely they utter a hateful word and a falsehood and most surely Allah is Pardoning, Forgiving.
[58:2] Orang-orang yang menzhihar isterinya di antara kamu, (menganggap isterinya sebagai ibunya, padahal) tiadalah isteri mereka itu ibu mereka. Ibu-ibu mereka tidak lain hanyalah wanita yang melahirkan mereka. Dan sesungguhnya mereka sungguh-sungguh mengucapkan suatu perkataan mungkar dan dusta. Dan sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pemaaf lagi Maha Pengampun.

Walladziina yuzhaahiruuna min nisaa-ihim tsumma ya'uuduuna limaa qaaluu fatahriiru raqabatin min qabli an yatamaassaa dzaalikum tuu'azhuuna bihi walaahu bimaa ta'maluuna khabiir
[58:3] And (as for) those who put away their wives by likening their backs to the backs of their mothers then would recall what they said, they should free a captive before they touch each other; to that you are admonished (to conform); and Allah is Aware of what you do.
[58:3] Orang-orang yang menzhihar isteri mereka, kemudian mereka hendak menarik kembali apa yang mereka ucapkan, maka (wajib atasnya) memerdekakan seorang budak sebelum kedua suami isteri itu bercampur. Demikianlah yang diajarkan kepada kamu, dan Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan.

Faman lam yajid fashiyaamu syahrayni mutataabi'ayni min qabli an yatamaassaa faman lam yastathi'fa-ith'aamu sittiina miskiinan dzaalika litu/minuu bilaahi warasuulihi watilka huduudullaahi walilkaafiriina 'adzaabun liim
[58:4] But whoever has not the means, let him fast for two months successively before they touch each other; then as for him who is not able, let him feed sixty needy ones; that is in order that you may have faith in Allah and His Apostle, and these are Allah's limits, and the unbelievers shall have a painful punishment.
[58:4] Barangsiapa yang tidak mendapatkan (budak), maka (wajib atasnya) berpuasa dua bulan berturut-turut sebelum keduanya bercampur. Maka siapa yang tidak kuasa (wajiblah atasnya) memberi makan enam puluh orang miskin. Demikianlah supaya kamu beriman kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Dan itulah hukum-hukum Allah, dan bagi orang kafir ada siksaan yang sangat pedih.

Innalladziina yuhaadduunallaaha warasuulahu kubituu kamaa kubitalladziina min qablihim waqad anzalnaa aayaatin bayyinaatin walilkaafiriina 'adzaabun muhiin
[58:5] Surely those who act in opposition to Allah and His Apostle shall be laid down prostrate as those before them were laid down prostrate; and indeed We have revealed clear communications, and the unbelievers shall have an abasing chastisement.
[58:5] Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang yang menentang Allah dan Rasul-Nya, pasti mendapat kehinaan sebagaimana orang-orang yang sebelum mereka telah mendapat kehinaan. Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan bukti-bukti nyata. Dan bagi orang-orang kafir ada siksa yang menghinakan.

Yawma yab'atsuhumullaahu jamii'an fayunabbi-uhum bimaa 'amiluu ahsaahullaahu wanasuuhu walaahu 'alaa kulli syay-in syahiid
[58:6] On the day when Allah will raise them up all together, then inform them of what they did: Allah has recorded it while they have forgotten it; and Allah is a witness of all things.
[58:6] Pada hari ketika mereka dibangkitkan Allah semuanya, lalu diberitakan-Nya kepada mereka apa yang telah mereka kerjakan. Allah mengumpulkan (mencatat) amal perbuatan itu, padahal mereka telah melupakannya. Dan Allah Maha Menyaksikan segala sesuatu.

Alam tara annallaaha ya'lamu maa fii ssamaawaati wamaa fii l-ardhi maa yakuunu min najwaa tsalaatsatin illaa huwa raabi'uhum walaa khamsatin illaa huwa saadisuhum walaa adnaa min dzaalika walaa aktsara illaa huwa ma'ahum ayna maa kaanuu tsumma yunabbi-uhum bimaa 'amiluu yawma lqiyaamati innallaaha bikulli syay-in 'aliim
[58:7] Do you not see that Allah knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth? Nowhere is there a secret counsel between three persons but He is the fourth of them, nor (between) five but He is the sixth of them, nor less than that nor more but He is with them wheresoever they are; then He will inform them of what they did on the day of resurrection: surely Allah is Cognizant of all things.
[58:7] Tidakkah kamu perhatikan, bahwa sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui apa yang ada di langit dan di bumi? Tiada pembicaraan rahasia antara tiga orang, melainkan Dia-lah keempatnya. Dan tiada (pembicaraan antara) lima orang, melainkan Dia-lah keenamnya. Dan tiada (pula) pembicaraan antara jumlah yang kurang dari itu atau lebih banyak, melainkan Dia berada bersama mereka di manapun mereka berada. Kemudian Dia akan memberitahukan kepada mereka pada hari kiamat apa yang telah mereka kerjakan. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha mengetahui segala sesuatu.

Alam tara ilaalladziina nuhuu 'ani nnajwaa tsumma ya'uuduuna limaa nuhuu 'anhu wayatanaajawna bil-itsmi wal'udwaani wama'shiyati rrasuuli wa-idzaa jaauuka hayyawka bimaa lam yuhayyika bihillaahu wayaquuluuna fii anfusihim lawlaa yu'adzdzibunaallaahu bimaa naquulu hasbuhum jahannamu yashlawnahaa fabi/sa lmashiir
[58:8] Have you not seen those who are forbidden secret counsels, then they return to what they are forbidden, and they hold secret counsels for sin and revolt and disobedience to the Apostle, and when they come to you they greet you with a greeting with which Allah does not greet you, and they say in themselves: Why does not Allah punish us for what we say? Hell is enough for them; they shall enter it, and evil is the resort.
[58:8] Apakah tidak kamu perhatikan orang-orang yang telah dilarang mengadakan pembicaraan rahasia, kemudian mereka kembali (mengerjakan) larangan itu dan mereka mengadakan pembicaraan rahasia untuk berbuat dosa, permusuhan dan durhaka kepada Rasul. Dan apabila mereka datang kepadamu, mereka mengucapkan salam kepadamu dengan memberi salam yang bukan sebagai yang ditentukan Allah untukmu. Dan mereka mengatakan kepada diri mereka sendiri: "Mengapa Allah tidak menyiksa kita disebabkan apa yang kita katakan itu?" Cukuplah bagi mereka Jahanam yang akan mereka masuki. Dan neraka itu adalah seburuk-buruk tempat kembali.

Yaa ayyuhaalladziina aamanuu idzaa tanaajaytum falaa tatanaajaw bil-itsmi wal'udwaani wama'shiyati rrasuuli watanaajaw bilbirri wattaqwaa wattaquullaahalladzii ilayhi tuhsyaruun
[58:9] O you who believe! when you confer together in private, do not give to each other counsel of sin and revolt and disobedience to the Apostle, and give to each other counsel of goodness and guarding (against evil); and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, to Whom you shall be gathered together.
[58:9] Hai orang-orang beriman, apabila kamu mengadakan pembicaraan rahasia, janganlah kamu membicarakan tentang membuat dosa, permusuhan dan berbuat durhaka kepada Rasul. Dan bicarakanlah tentang membuat kebajikan dan takwa. Dan bertakwalah kepada Allah yang kepada-Nya kamu akan dikembalikan.

Innamaa nnajwaa mina sysyaythaani liyahzunalladziina aamanuu walaysa bidaarrihim syay-an illaa bi-idznillaahi wa'alaallaahi falyatawakkali lmu/minuun
[58:10] Secret counsels are only (the work) of the Shaitan that he may cause to grieve those who believe, and he cannot hurt them in the least except with Allah's permission, and on Allah let the believers rely.
[58:10] Sesungguhnya pembicaraan rahasia itu adalah dari setan, supaya orang-orang yang beriman itu berduka cita, sedang pembicaraan itu tiadalah memberi mudharat sedikitpun kepada mereka, kecuali dengan izin Allah dan kepada Allah-lah hendaknya orang-orang yang beriman bertawakkal.

Yaa ayyuhaalladziina aamanuu idzaa qiila lakum tafassahuu fii lmajaalisi fafsahuu yafsahillaahu lakum wa-idzaa qiila unsyuzuu fansyuzuu yarfa'illaahulladziina aamanuu minkum walladziina uutuu l'ilma darajaatin walaahu bimaa ta'maluuna khabiir
[58:11] O you who believe! when it is said to you, Make room in (your) assemblies, then make ample room, Allah will give you ample, and when it is said: Rise up, then rise up. Allah will exalt those of you who believe, and those who are given knowledge, in high degrees; and Allah is Aware of what you do.
[58:11] Hai orang-orang beriman apabila kamu dikatakan kepadamu: "Berlapang-lapanglah dalam majlis", maka lapangkanlah niscaya Allah akan memberi kelapangan untukmu. Dan apabila dikatakan: "Berdirilah kamu", maka berdirilah, niscaya Allah akan meninggikan orang-orang yang beriman di antaramu dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat. Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan.

Yaa ayyuhaalladziina aamanuu idzaa naajaytumu rrasuula faqaddimuu bayna yaday najwaakum shadaqatan dzaalika khayrun lakum wa-athharu fa-in lam tajiduu fa-innallaaha ghafuurun rahiim
[58:12] O you who believe! when you consult the Apostle, then offer something in charity before your consultation; that is better for you and purer; but if you do not find, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
[58:12] Hai orang-orang beriman, apabila kamu mengadakan pembicaraan khusus dengan Rasul hendaklah kamu mengeluarkan sedekah (kepada orang miskin) sebelum pembicaraan itu. Yang demikian itu lebih baik bagimu dan lebih bersih; jika kamu tidak memperoleh (yang akan disedekahkan) maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.

A-asyfaqtum an tuqaddimuu bayna yaday najwaakum shadaqaatin fa-idz lam taf'aluu wataaballaahu 'alaykum fa-aqiimuu shshalaata waaatuu zzakaata wa-athii'uullaaha warasuulahu walaahu khabiirun bimaa ta'maluun
[58:13] Do you fear that you will not (be able to) give in charity before your consultation? So when you do not do it and Allah has turned to you (mercifully), then keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and obey Allah and His Apostle; and Allah is Aware of what you do.
[58:13] Apakah kamu takut akan (menjadi miskin) karena kamu memberikan sedekah sebelum mengadakan pembicaraan dengan Rasul? Maka jika kamu tiada memperbuatnya dan Allah telah memberi taubat kepadamu maka dirikanlah shalat, tunaikanlah zakat, taatlah kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya; dan Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan.

Alam tara ilaalladziina tawallaw qawman ghadhiballaahu 'alayhim maa hum minkum walaa minhum wayahlifuuna 'alaa lkadzibi wahum ya'lamuun
[58:14] Have you not seen those who befriend a people with whom Allah is wroth? They are neither of you nor of them, and they swear falsely while they know.
[58:14] Tidakkah kamu perhatikan orang-orang yang menjadikan suatu kaum yang dimurkai Allah sebagai teman? Orang-orang itu bukan dari golongan kamu dan bukan (pula) dari golongan mereka. Dan mereka bersumpah untuk menguatkan kebohongan, sedang mereka mengetahui.

A'addallaahu lahum 'adzaaban syadiidan innahum saa-a maa kaanuu ya'maluun
[58:15] Allah has prepared for them a severe punishment; surely what they do is evil.
[58:15] Allah telah menyediakan bagi mereka azab yang sangat keras, sesungguhnya amat buruklah apa yang telah mereka kerjakan.

Ittakhadzuu aymaanahum junnatan fashadduu 'an sabiilillaahi falahum 'adzaabun muhiin
[58:16] They make their oaths to serve as a cover so they turn away from Allah's way; therefore they shall have an abasing chastisement.
[58:16] Mereka menjadikan sumpah-sumpah mereka sebagai perisai, lalu mereka halangi (manusia) dari jalan Allah; karena itu mereka mendapat azab yang menghinakan.

Lan tughniya 'anhum amwaaluhum walaa awlaaduhum minallaahi syay-an ulaa-ika ash-haabu nnaari hum fiihaa khaaliduun
[58:17] Neither their wealth nor their children shall avail them aught against Allah; they are the inmates of the fire, therein they shall abide.
[58:17] Harta benda dan anak-anak mereka tiada berguna sedikitpun (untuk menolong) mereka dari azab Allah. Mereka itulah penghuni neraka, dan mereka kekal di dalamnya.

Yawma yab'atsuhumullaahu jamii'an fayahlifuuna lahu kamaa yahlifuuna lakum wayahsabuuna annahum 'alaa syay-in laa innahum humu lkaadzibuun
[58:18] On the day that Allah will raise them up all, then they will swear to Him as they swear to you, and they think that they have something; now surely they are the liars.
[58:18] (Ingatlah) hari (ketika) mereka semua dibangkitkan Allah) lalu mereka bersumpah kepada-Nya (bahwa mereka bukan musyrikin) sebagaimana mereka bersumpah kepadamu; dan mereka menyangka bahwa mereka akan memperoleh suatu (manfaat). Ketahuilah, bahwa sesungguhnya merekalah orang-orang pendusta.

Istahwadza 'alayhimu sysyaythaanu fa-ansaahum dzikrallaahi ulaa-ika hizbu sysyaythaani laa inna hizba sysyaythaani humu lkhaasiruun
[58:19] The Shaitan has gained the mastery over them, so he has made them forget the remembrance of Allah; they are the Shaitan's party; now surely the Shaitan's party are the losers.
[58:19] Setan telah menguasai mereka lalu menjadikan mereka lupa mengingat Allah; mereka itulah golongan setan. Ketahuilah, bahwa sesungguhnya golongan setan itulah golongan yang merugi.

Innalladziina yuhaadduunallaaha warasuulahu ulaa-ika fii l-adzalliin
[58:20] Surely (as for) those who are in opposition to Allah and His Apostle; they shall be among the most abased.
[58:20] Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menetang Allah dan RasulNya, mereka termasuk orang-orang yang sangat hina.

Kataballaahu la-aghlibanna anaa warusulii innallaaha qawiyyun 'aziiz
[58:21] Allah has written down: I will most certainly prevail, I and My apostles; surely Allah is Strong, Mighty.
[58:21] Allah telah menetapkan: "Aku dan rasul-rasul-Ku pasti menang". Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuat lagi Maha Perkasa.

Laa tajidu qawman yu/minuuna bilaahi walyawmi l-aakhiri yuwaadduuna man haaddallaaha warasuulahu walaw kaanuu aabaa-ahum aw abnaa-ahum aw ikhwaanahum aw 'asyiiratahum ulaa-ika kataba fii quluubihimu l-iimaana wa-ayyadahum biruuhin minhu wayudkhiluhum jannaatin tajrii min tahtihaa l-anhaaru khaalidiina fiihaa radhiyallaahu 'anhum waradhuu 'anhu ulaa-ika hizbullaahi laa inna hizballaahi humu lmuflihuun
[58:22] You shall not find a people who believe in Allah and the latter day befriending those who act in opposition to Allah and His Apostle, even though they were their (own) fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their kinsfolk; these are they into whose hearts He has impressed faith, and whom He has strengthened with an inspiration from Him: and He will cause them to enter gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein; Allah is well-pleased with them and they are well-pleased with Him these are Allah's party: now surely the party of Allah are the successful ones.
[58:22] Kamu tak akan mendapati kaum yang beriman pada Allah dan hari akhirat, saling berkasih-sayang dengan orang-orang yang menentang Allah dan Rasul-Nya, sekalipun orang-orang itu bapak-bapak, atau anak-anak atau saudara-saudara ataupun keluarga mereka. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang telah menanamkan keimanan dalam hati mereka dan menguatkan mereka dengan pertolongan yang datang daripada-Nya. Dan dimasukan-Nya mereka ke dalam surga yang mengalir di bawahnya sungai-sungai, mereka kekal di dalamnya. Allah ridha terhadap mereka, dan merekapun merasa puas terhadap (limpahan rahmat)-Nya. Mereka itulah golongan Allah. Ketahuilah, bahwa sesungguhnya golongan Allah itu adalah golongan yang beruntung.

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There are 22 verses in Surah Al-Mujaadilah (Al-Mujadilah)

Tags: Al-Mujaadilah (Al-Mujadilah) [58:22] (The Woman Who Pleads a Complain), The Quran and Tafsir, ty before your consultation? So when you do not do it and Allah has turned to you (mercifully) then keep up prayer and pay the poor rate and obey Allah and His Apostle; and Allah is Aware of what you do, QS, Al Mujaadilah (Al Mujadilah) [58] : verse 14 [58:14] Have you not seen those who befriend a people with whom Allah is wroth? They are neither of you nor of them and they swear falsely while they know, QS, Al Mujaadilah (Al Mujadilah) [58] : verse 15 [58:15] Allah has prepared for them a severe punishment; surely what they do is evil, QS, Al Mujaadilah (Al Mujadilah) [58] : verse 16 [58:16], sma smk, pts-ptn.net
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93. Adh-Dhuhaa -- 11
94. Al-Insyirah -- 8
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(satu area dengan Rumah Sakit Puri Mandiri Kedoya (Al Kamal))
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