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Psychotest Lessons

Antonym Synonym

Antonym psychological exercises (opposite words) and synonyms (equations / equivalent meanings / words) are part of verbal ability tests. Which is intended to measure the level of alertness and accuracy of an indication that is the same / similar, while measuring his insight, and measuring the ability to see the truth in reverse.

Question Guide :
Compare the word pairs on each given question. Then, the box in front of the question number, is filled with the letter S (= Synonym) if the pair of words has the same or almost the same meaning. And fill in the letters A (= Antonym) if the pair of words has the opposite or almost opposite meaning.
Do it quickly and thoroughly. Time given 20 minutes. If it's been 20 minutes, stop immediately.Then please click "See the Results (Answer Key)", and you will know the value / result, and the answers that are FALSE and TRUE. --- Good Practice ---

Please fill in the boxes below with letters A or S

   1. joke --- prank
   2. immune --- vulnerable
   3. preface --- preamble
   4. practice --- theory
   5. bankrupt --- insolvent
   6. elastic --- stiff
   7. imitation --- original
   8. institution --- foundation
   9. primitive --- modern
 10. pro --- contra
 11. jail --- prison
 12. adaptation --- adjustment
 13. sell --- buy
 14. maximum --- minimum
 15. antipathy --- sympathy
 16. candidate --- nominee
 17. convention --- agreement
 18. reality --- virtual
 19. analogy --- equation
 20. come --- go
 21. manual --- auto
 22. drop --- down
 23. protection --- patronage
 24. careful --- careless
 25. failed --- success
 26. barriers --- support
 27. vertical --- horizontal
 28. micro --- macro
 29. pattern --- complexion
 30. fantasy --- delusion
 31. hill --- valley
 32. fluctuation --- turbulence
 33. pre --- post
 34. high --- low
 35. relative --- absolute
 36. reality --- fact
 37. antagonist --- opposite
 38. illegal --- legal
 39. claim --- sue
 40. instruments --- tools
 41. provocation --- inducement
 42. poison --- honey
 43. dressed --- naked
 44. compromise --- contention
 45. interpretation --- commentation
 46. quantity --- amount
 47. fear --- dare
 48. tender --- offer
 49. round --- globular
 50. honoured --- insulted
 51. forward --- backward
 52. manage --- organize
 53. stage --- level
 54. meet --- split
 55. expand --- shrink
 56. record --- delete
 57. guard --- prevent
 58. restore --- renovation
 59. prefix --- suffix
 60. fat --- thin
 61. illusion --- delusion
 62. increment --- inflation
 63. suffering --- happy
 64. bonus --- reward
 65. nomadic --- sedentary
 66. introduction --- closing
 67. pioneer --- continuer
 68. presentiment --- intuition
 69. champion --- victor
 70. diligent --- lazy
 71. slogan --- motto
 72. absolute --- peremptory
 73. saga --- history
 74. odd --- strange
 75. credit --- debit
 76. intermezo --- interlude
 77. professional --- amateur
 78. relative --- comparative
 79. large --- big
 80. heavy --- light
 81. anti---against
 82. shell --- content
 83. encouragement --- stimulus
 84. standard --- normative
 85. destructive --- constructive
 86. strong --- weak
 87. guarantee --- collateral
 88. self---dependent
 89. random --- haphazard
 90. supplement --- addition
 91. phenomenon --- occurrence
 92. barren --- fertile
 93. sky --- earth
 94. legend --- fairytale
 95. passive --- active
 96. assumption --- presumption
 97. fact --- opinion
 98. salary --- honor
 99. penalty --- mulct
 100. polygamy --- monogamy

Sources : ggiklan.web.id, gratisiklan.web.id, etc.

If you copy or multiply this psychological test exercise,
you should still list all of the sources mentioned above.
Antonym Synonym